BFR Section #9 Mounting

We always mount, or get on, the horse from the left side. Lead the horse up to the mounting block and have them stand parallel to it. At Flying G, we always have staff to check the saddle and equipment and help you mount properly.

Step onto the mounting block. We always use a mounting block for all riders, even if the rider doesn’t need it. This is for our horse’s comfort.

Hold onto the reins without pulling on them, Do not use the reins to pull yourself onto the horse.

Put your left foot into the stirrup. Make sure the ball of your foot (not the instep) is on the stirrup.

Take care not to scrape your toe into the horse’s side.

Gently step up onto the stirrup, leaning a bit into the horse so you don’t fall over backwards.

Once your weight is on the stirrup, slowly swing your right leg over the horse’s back.

Settle gently into the saddle. Do not “plop” hard into the saddle. This could startle horse or strain his back.

Sit up straight aligning your ear, shoulder, hip and back of heel in a line.

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