Proper Posting Section #6 Mechanics

We will now discuss the mechanics of posting. There is a lot more to it that just popping up in the saddle at will.  The biggest mistake I see is the rider trying to thrust themselves up and out of the saddle by pushing their legs out and against the stirrups. This not only looks a bit silly but will lead to an unbalanced seat in the saddle. The upward movement come from the knees. Think of your knees as a hinge on a gate that you are “opening” gently as you rise out of the saddle.

My riding instructor (when I was a wee thing, lol!) taught me that I should imagine a pole or metal rod going through one knee, through the horse and coming out the other knee. This imaginary rod “holds” the rider’s knees in place. The rider rises and falls from these stationary points. Refer to Illustration below:

Rising in the saddle needs to be gentle and controlled. Unbalanced bouncing or falling heavily back into the saddle could hurt the horse and strain their back muscles. The purpose of the post should be to make things easier on both rider and horse.

· Concentrate on the two-beat rhythm of the trot. It might help to count out loud, “one-two, one-two.”

· Let the horse’s movement propel you forward naturally rather than thrusting yourself out of the saddle.

· Keep your hands steady as you rise and sit. Do NOT use the reins to pull yourself out of the saddle.

· Stay relaxed through your knee, hip and ankle joints.

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