BFR Section #3 Greeting and Petting Horses

Horses are very curious, so they will want to meet you.  To greet your horse, approach on the horse’s left side at their neck. This is a very safe place to gently pet the horse. The horse may turn their head to sniff you. This is very common and the way horses greet each other. The “Horse-man’s Hand-Shake” is when you slowly extend your hand, palm-down, toward the horse’s nose. The back of the hand has more scent-glands than the palm. The horse relies on scent a great deal to determine who you are.

The horse may blow a long breath of air out. This is actually a good sign! They are letting air and tension out. It shows they are relaxing and relaxed around you! If the horse pins it’s ears back and shows an “angry-face”, step back right away.

It is ok to pet the horse’s neck and face as long as you are gentle and avoid their eyes, nostrils and mouth.

Feel free to talk to your horse! They may not understand exactly what you are saying, but they understand the tone of your voice. If you talk sweetly, in a kind voice, they will know you are a friend!

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