Wrangler 1 ~ 3.4 The Well Shod Horse

Some people say it’s good luck to find a horseshoe. However, any horse owner will tell you that finding a horseshoe out in a pasture or paddock means that your horse has “thrown” a shoe and will need to have another one put on again as soon as possible.

Horse shoes come in many sizes. This horse shoe is sized for a pony.

Horseshoes are normally made of metal, although sometimes they can be of modern synthetic materials. They protect a horse’s hooves from wear. Shoes are usually nailed through the insensitive hoof wall. However, there are also cases where shoes are glued in place.

The person to call on at a time like this is called a FARRIER.  A farrier is a trained professional who has spent many years learning how to trim and put shoes on horses hooves  It takes many years to learn and shouldn’t be attempted by a novice.

Although it is best for a horse to go “bare-foot” (without shoes), certain circumstances require the horse to wear shoes.  If you plan on riding your horse over rocky or rough terrain or in a parade he may need shoes to keep from getting sore feet.  Many horse shows require that the horse have shoes.

If your horse has a problem with his feet, sometimes shoes can correct the problem.  A farrier has been trained to diagnose problems and correct them through special trimming and shoes.  Your horse’s feet are very important and regular foot care is essential to keeping your horse sound.

A farrier should come out every 6-8 weeks to trim and put shoes on.

Note: Never say that your horse has been “shoed” the proper thing to say is your horse has been “shod”.

The picture on the left is of a Roman horseshoe from 300 A.D.   That’s one OLD horseshoe!!!! It was clamped on the hoof rather than nailed in.  There is a hook under the front of the shoe to help the horse grip the rocky ground.  It was undoubtedly used for  a horse that had to pull a load rather than a horse that was ridden.

Spiritual Analogy

The third piece of the armor of God requires us to have our feet ‘shod with the preparation of the gospel’.  No soldier can expect to rush out into battle without putting shoes on.  How fast could he run through a briar patch while barefooted?  We need to make sure we are prepared by putting on our “spiritual shoes”  that prepares us for the daily battle we fight every day.

We must be prepared to march forth with the gospel, bringing it to those around us.

Each soldier must keep their footwear in good shape.  If they don’t; how effective of a soldier could they be if their feet are sore and full of blisters?

We keep our “spiritual footwear” in good repair by reading our Bible and praying, preparing ourselves to be ready to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.

While it is necessary to check our horse’s shoes daily to make sure there are no loose nails and that the shoe still is secure on the hoof, it is also necessary to check our “spiritual shoes” to make sure they are securely on our feet as we rush into battle.  We sure don’t want any “thrown shoes”!

Memory Verse

... and having shod your feet with the preparation of  the gospel of peace. Ephesians 6:15

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